Keep Calm and Apologize

Dear Readers I need to apologize for my absence this year. I have been neglecting my blog because I am studying.     The reason that I am studying is that I enjoy writing for my blog. I thought that it would be easy to transition from writing a blog to...
It’s not all about the app!

It’s not all about the app!

Last year around this time, I collaborated with the team from YappGuru and we all posted about our top 10 apps for the year. I thought about doing it again this year and I realised whilst there are some great apps out there, and the list continues to grow,  it’s...
Screen Time

Screen Time

As a parent of a young child, you are probably racked with guilt  because you gave your toddler your phone/tablet  to play with while you went to the bathroom alone. The previous guidelines of the  American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advised NO SCREENTIME for...
Go Sequencing: App Review

Go Sequencing: App Review

Sequencing is an important language skill. The ability to sequence is  important for understanding, planning and retelling stories.       GoSequencing from Smarty Ears currently has 38 sequences organized into categories: Mealtime Playing Grooming &...
March on to YappGuru

March on to YappGuru

More and more clinicians are turning to technology to facilitate learning. The ipad is engaging, motivating and has a number of benefits which I highlighted in my post “why should you buy an ipad for your child?”   However,  the plethora of apps out...