I-screen, You-screen We all screen
One of the very first posts I wrote back in 2012 was titled “Why TV is good for your child” The post stimulated a barrage of questions and 11 years later we are still asking questions about...
I wish I could read with Bionic Reading
Bionic reading is the new ‘miracle’ fix for reading difficulties. Before you jump (even for free), here is some information to think about.
Help! I need resources for reading comprehension
Speech-language therapy addresses the underlying skills required for a task so it is not always easy to find resources.
Causes of reading comprehension difficulties
There are a number of factors that can cause reading comprehension difficulties. A breakdown can occur at any stage.
It is never too early to read to your baby
The earlier you start reading to your baby, the more he will benefit. Reading stimulates language development
Use your words to help toddlers use theirs
To help toddlers and children learn about emotions it is important to talk about the subtle differences in the range of emotions.
AAC is short for Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Source: AssistiveWare
Communication devices, systems, strategies and tools that replace or support spoken language are known as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). These tools support a person who has difficulties communicating using speech.
The first “A” in AAC stands for Augmentative Communication. When you augment something, you add to it or supplement. Augmentative communication is when you add something to your speech (eg. sign language, pictures, a letter board). This can make your message clearer to your listener.
The second “A” in AAC stands for Alternative Communication. This is when you are not able to speak. It is also when your speech is not understood by others. In this case, you need a different way to communicate.
Basically, AAC can be tools, systems, devices or strategies. These tools help a person communicate, when they cannot rely on speech. Perhaps your child has not started talking. Perhaps you have lost your ability to speak. Perhaps your speech comes and goes. Maybe speaking is harder than other ways to communicate. AAC can help.