I-screen, You-screen We all screen

I-screen, You-screen We all screen

One of the very first posts I wrote back in 2012 was titled  “Why TV is good for your child”  The post stimulated  a barrage of questions and 11 years later we are still asking questions about screen time. The issue of screen time is not new and Brittany Clair in her...
Bionic Reading – I wish it was that simple

Bionic Reading – I wish it was that simple

  Bionic Reading  is all over social media. When a parent sent me a TikTok about the latest miracle reading method, I was very apprehensive.   My first thought was to dismiss it entirely as another fad but when I googled it, it seemed like every news site had picked...
Causes of reading comprehension difficulties

Causes of reading comprehension difficulties

Struggling readers do not understand why they have difficulty comprehending. To assist these children, we need to understand why and where their difficulties are occurring. It is important to note that learning to read written texts is not the same as learning to...
Use your words to help toddlers use theirs

Use your words to help toddlers use theirs

The Covid19 pandemic has brought a set of emotions that have surfaced in adults and children. Many people are feeling anxious during this time. Children can feel anxious about different things at different ages, and many of these worries are a normal part of growing...