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Keep it Silly Sentences

Keep it Silly Sentences

I have had such fun using Erik Raj’s Silly Sentence Articulation ! Contrary to the name this is NOT only an articulation app.     The app is a collection of 600 silly sentences which target the S, Z, R, L, SH, CH, TH sounds. This is really great for...
March on to YappGuru

March on to YappGuru

More and more clinicians are turning to technology to facilitate learning. The ipad is engaging, motivating and has a number of benefits which I highlighted in my post “why should you buy an ipad for your child?”   However,  the plethora of apps out...
Main Street Memory: App Review

Main Street Memory: App Review

Main Street Memory app from Virtual Speech Center is a delightful app to target auditory processing and recall of  instructions. The app can be used with both children and adults. The app is set in the Main Street in 3 different stores with different activities in...