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Teach your child to read

Teach your child to read

Children are miraculous! They are born with an innate knowledge of language. BUT children are not born with an innate knowledge of reading. They need to be taught that text is read from left to right and that words are separate from images. Although learning to talk...
Story Time

Story Time

In an era where children spend more and more time in front of televisions, computers and video-games, it is important not to forget how important stories are! Hearing stories regularly allows pre-readers become familiar with narrative patterns, speech rhythms, and the...
Help! My toddler isn’t talking!

Help! My toddler isn’t talking!

Your son is 2 years old and still isn’t talking. He says a few words, but compared with his peers you think he’s way behind. What should you do if those first words don’t come or if your child’s speech is difficult to understand? Should you take the “wait...